Branding might be a modern concept but it can be traced back to a 1931 memo by Neil McElroy, the Proctor and Gamble advertising manager. Since then branding, and marketing overall, has evolved at the speed of light. In response to these rapid changes, small and medium sized businesses need to branch out and use more clever, out of the box marketing strategies to be competitive with larger companies. Ducttapemarketing can help you bring your business up to speed.
On their website Duct Tape Marketing explains to be an idea that started with the belief that marketing is a system and in order to operate that system there must be a very clear point of view about how to build a remarkable business. Ducttapemarketing offers courses and consulting all under the umbrella of modern marketing strategies. They can advise businesses on how to get more sales, how to market a business, how to find lead sources, how to market a new product, and more.
Executive coaching is offered by Ducttapemarketing and is another road to business success. Some people think that executive coaching is out of their financial reach but some estimates are that the return on investment for executive coaching can be as high as 500 percent or more. To decipher the success of the coaching process, one must first specify and clearly define the specific goals of executive coaching. And it generally can take four to six months of executive coaching before the results are evident. But the verdict is in. And executive coaching has proven to be an invaluable resource.
Helpful research also found here: doubleyoursales2x.com