Malware is a catch all term that covers spyware, adware, viruses, trojans, worms, and any maliciously programmed software in general. Your network security platform has to be able to catch up with these threats to your machine as soon as possible, or it could spell disaster for your entire network. Through the right intrusion detection system and protocols, it is possible to avoid being part of the growing statistics of companies and organizations which have been targeted and harmed my malware. In 2011, 42,887 incidents of data theft and loss were reported in the United States as the result of computer breaches and intrusions.
The cost of having the right network security platform in place is much less than that of dealing with the damages that malware and hackers can cause to your servers. Although every business is taking increasingly more care with the secure information of their consumers, many do not understand the full implications of these threats and why network security platform solutions are so important. Just having the right enterprise firewall in place may not be enough; you need options to go along with that firewall to ensure that it is keeping the wrong traffic out without blocking communications between those that rely on the server to do business.
The actual price of getting a firewall can range from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars, but it is hard to put a price on the security that you and your customers rely on. Choosing the right next gen network security will be the best way to bolster your network security platform and get your firewall the type of support that it needs to compete with a new generation of threats. Your Next generation network firewall options are becoming increasingly more sophisticated as threats evolve as well, which is why if you are new to the world of cyber security, it may be a good time to fully examine what is available. Your network security platform can be part of a much larger intrusion prevention system designed to keep the wrong traffic out, and to notify administrators whenever attacks take place. This can allow your IT staff to recheck all of the aspects of the network security platform to ensure that everything is in order, and possibly cut off attacks as they are occurring should they get through the wall you have in place.