Here we are again: yet another entitled hacker has taken it upon him or herself to hack into the private data of celebrities, exposing their sensitive, private photos to the two billion people now using the worldwide web. Now, if you’re saying to yourself, “that’s what they get for taking those photos,” there’s no point in you reading this article. This article is about you being able to protect yourself while using your favorite mobile devices, regardless of whether what you’re doing is deemed acceptable by others.
Four Tips for More Secure Text Messaging, Mobile Computing
- Go with a Phone Built for Security
- Slap a Password on Your Phone
- Install Extra Security Software
- Accept OS Updates When Available
After Edward Snowden revealed the extreme surveillance policies of the NSA in the summer of 2013, many companies started thinking about what they could do to better protect mobile users’ data in an age of digital police states. As The Verge writes, Silent Circle and Geekphone took the challenge to consumer security the most seriously, creating the Blackphone. Phones like the Blackphone are engineered to make your online experiences completely anonymous, whether it’s the NSA or some bored basement dweller trying to look in on you.
For U.S. News and World Report, secure messaging, secure email service, private photos — no matter what it is, it can be made safer by simply installing a password on your phone. Whether it’s an alphanumeric password, a custom pattern, or a print reader, these types of unique verification aren’t foolproof, but they can help protect you.
One of the biggest misconceptions mobile users have, according to Tech Radar, is that mobile devices are immune to viruses and other malware. However, while mobile-based malware is a lot less common than its desktop counterparts, it is still a serious issue. Installing malware software can help allow you take advantage of secure instant messaging, photo sharing, and the like.
Look, we know that having to update your phone or tablet’s operating system can be a lengthy pain in the butt, but if you want secure instant messaging, it’s absolutely worth being patient. From Windows phones to iPhone’s, tech providers will regularly evaluate their operating systems to look for holes in security, updating and closing those security red flags for free. You need only allow the regular updates to your OS to protect yourself.
What tricks do you use for more secure instant messaging or to better protect your personal data on your phone and tablet? Let us know in the comment section below. Find more on this here.