One of the most difficult parts of setting up an onsite server room for your business and claiming control over your IT solutions is choosing the proper technology. From server enclosures to processors to operating systems, how you choose to outfit your clean room can have lasting effects on your business, for both good and ill.
What makes this so challenging is often the sheer volume of choices out there. Should you go with an iOS based server or something with Linux? Do you need a 64-bit processor or will 32-bit suffice? How can you possibly know what technology to choose? Well, this list is a great place to start.
How to Choose the Best Server Rack Cabinets and Other Server Technology
- Buy with Expansion in Mind
- Realize That You Don’t Need to Buy Brand New Rack Enclosures
- Consider Your Needs Before Choosing an Operating System
- Look for an Option That Qualifies for Tax Deductions
For Inc., the best thing you can do for your business when buying server technology is to look for options that can be modified and upgraded as your business grows. You’ll want to consider server rack cabinets size here, as well processing speed, RAM, and hard drive space. Buying with expansion in mind can help you avoid any hiccups or additional costs down the road.
Of the most common mistakes businesses make when buying server technology, assuming that new is always better than used is one of the most damaging. Used technology, from server rack cabinets to hard drives, can save you a lot of money from the get-go. Just be sure to do your homework to ensure you’re not buying scrap parts.
As PC World details, choosing an operating system to run your servers is always a matter of personal preference and needs. For example, if you don’t need high-end security features or a particularly robust server-specific operating system, Windows Vista or Windows 7 can be perfectly suitable options. However, if you want a solution that can run applications built specifically for servers or you need a more stalwart defense against cyber crime, Windows Server and Linux server options are probably the best ways to go.
Did you know that the cost of some technology can actually be deducted from your taxes? As a general rule, if software or hardware you buy is meant to be used for your business it can be written off. You’ll want to do your research beforehand, but generally speaking, server cabinets, computer components, and other essential bits of your business server can be claimed under Section 179.
Do you have a lot of experience working with server setups? What tips would you give others looking for server rack cabinets and other high quality equipment? Let us know in the comment section below. References: www.global1resources.com